If you’re considering forbearance or deferment for your college loans, then chances are you struggle with making the minimum monthly payment. Don’t feel bad. There are a lot of borrowers out there that are in the exact same situation. Unfortunately, student loan debt...
Simply defined, installment loans are when people borrow money to buy an item they don’t have enough cash to purchase. Most folks don’t have sufficient money in their savings accounts to buy a car, a house, or a boat. So instead of saving and waiting, they take out an...
With students preparing to go to college in the fall, many are worried about how they will pay for it. For some, the FAFSA, or Free Application for Federal Student Aid, is the only hope of affording higher education. CNN reported in 2017 that even families making more...
It can be hard to know if you are getting a good deal on your loan. Here is everything you need to know about amortization and loans, so you’ll never pay too much. What is loan amortization? Despite the technical name, an amortized loan is a common loan type...
We’ve all heard of Fannie Mae, but who is she? In a nutshell, “she” is an American government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) that specializes in housing loans and secondary mortgages to potential homebuyers. Her proper name is the Federal National...
Fintech, or financial technology, is revolutionizing the homebuying process by making it easier than ever to secure loans online. According to this report from Forbes, people will become more accustomed to automated transactions in 2018 and beyond. This will open a...